AmigaActive (89/2143)

From:Jonathan Drain
Date:2 May 2000 at 19:28:14
Subject:Re: I wanna destroy (was Re: Dev Box)

From: andrew <>

> I emplore you when you launch this OS have a nice piece of
> software that can give people the basics like deleting files. And a
> paper manual i want paper, people never read online stuff, you need a
> paper manual to tell them to run the godamn program that tells them how
> to use the computer.

Personally, I liked the Amiga's paper manuals far more than any online
manual. For one, it's very difficult to teach a complete newbie how to use a
computer, when they can't use the online manual in the first place! The
paper manual is good because it starts by teaching you the real basics - how
to plug the computer together, how to use the mouse and the user interface,
and the incredibly important safety information like "Never switch off the
Amiga when the drive light is on".

It's always nice to have a paper manual to refer to, I've never liked online
guides for teaching the real basics. Although they can be good for a
beginner's guide to programming, stuff like that.

<subliminal message> decent paper manuals are very important </subliminal
message> :)

Jonathan Drain - I'd explain it to you, but your head would explode.
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